Area Groups

The Executive Board has asked Bill Martin to be our liaison with the area groups.

Back in the "olden days" (BC-Before Chris) someone in a state position ( Leo?) assembled area Building Official groups to get the boys together. Some of these groups are still active and what Bill will be doing for CBOA is to open communications with the groups. His fist duty will be to put together a listing of all the groups and their status, (active, membership, leaders, activities etc.) He will then report back to the Board on his findings and suggest what we can do to promote and encourage further relationships between the groups and the CBOA.

Let's help out Bill in this by getting any information on the area groups to him.

Contacts for the Area Groups

Area 1: Litchfield County Building Officials
Gary Testa 203-263-5477

Area 2: Central Western Building Officials

Area 3: North Central Building Officials
Lincoln White 860-653-3444

Area 4: New Haven County Building Officials
Gil Graveline 203-574-6832

Area 5: South Central Building Officials
Dick McManus 860-349-8253
District # 5

Area 6: Northeastern Conn Building Officials
Alvan R.Hill 860-923-9002

Area 7: South Eastern Building Officials
Chris Ida 860-862-6503

Area 8: South Western Building Officials
Steve Smith 203-341-5025
District # 8

CBOA Contacts.pdf80.04 KB